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Aimee Elizabeth Bourre was born September 4, 2012 at 1:21pm. She weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. She was born at 29 weeks, 5 days due to pre-eclampsia and placental abruption.

She spent 62 days total in the hospital. 26 days in the NICU at McMaster Hospital and 36 days in the special care nursery in Cambridge Memorial Hospital. She came home on November 5.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Aimee came home last Monday (November 5) after 62 days in the hospital. I was told the Friday before that they wanted to make sure she continued to take all of her bottles over the weekend and they wanted to see about her getting her RSV shot and she could possibly come home Monday. She also had to do car seat trending, where they sit her in her car seat for 60 minutes and make sure her oxygen saturation doesn't drop below 88.

Car seat trending was one of the times during her hospital stay that I was most anxious. I didn't even want to stay at the hospital while she was doing it. The room I was staying in with Aimee was right outside the nursery and I could frequently hear monitors going off. If I had stayed in there and heard it, I would have been a nervous wreck for an hour. We decided to leave and get a coffee while she was doing it. By the time we came back, about 40 minutes later, she was still going and the nurses said that she hadn't made a sound (at which point she decided to make some sounds). 20 more minutes went by and she passed. We were so happy.

Monday morning comes and I am waiting for the doctor to come and talk to me. We were hoping but not expecting her to come home. He came to talk to me around 9am. He took a look at Aimee and asked how I thought she did over the weekend. After about 10 minutes, he finally said the words we had been waiting to hear "you can take your baby home." I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life.

She had a doctor's appointment on Thursday to check how she is doing after being discharged. She had gained weight and seems to be doing well. She has her first neonatal follow-up appointment this Thursday (November 15) as well as an eye exam. She has quite a few neonatal appointments over the next 2 years because she was born under 1500 grams (quite a bit under, she was only 960).

The picture at the top was from a photo shoot we got done last Thursday. Sylvia Pond is an awesome photographer and I definitely recommend her to anyone in the Kitchener/Waterloo region looking for a photographer. She was very good with Aimee. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. She also had a contest on her Facebook page for tickets to the Stork and Stroller show in Kitchener next Sunday and Mike won. I am going and Mike and Aimee are going to spend the day at home together.

Doing car seat trending

The nurses put this on her bassinet the day before she came home.

Sitting in the front entrance of the hospital while daddy pulled the van up

First change at home

Sitting with mommy at home.

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