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Aimee Elizabeth Bourre was born September 4, 2012 at 1:21pm. She weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. She was born at 29 weeks, 5 days due to pre-eclampsia and placental abruption.

She spent 62 days total in the hospital. 26 days in the NICU at McMaster Hospital and 36 days in the special care nursery in Cambridge Memorial Hospital. She came home on November 5.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

13 Months

  • Aimee is about 13½ months old. 
  • She hasn't been officially weighed in a month but she's approximately 18 pounds and 28". 
  • She loves to eat. She eats basically anything now. She does not like bread, but will eat pitas, tea biscuits, croissants, etc. Just not regular bread.
  • She likes to walk around the furniture or with her push toys and walk holding one of my fingers. Not walking alone yet, but it's just a matter of letting go of my finger. She's not using me to hold her up, she just doesn't want to let go yet.
  • I think we are done with bottles. She hasn't had a bottle since Monday. She gets milk during the day and with breakfast and lunch. For dinner, she has ½ apple juice ½ water and at bedtime she has toddler formula. The can is almost gone and I am not sure if I am going to buy another one. 
  • She says mama, ada (for dada, sometimes she says dada), dog, doggie, uh oh, yeah. She doesn't know what yeah means but she says it if you ask her a question. She loves to say uh oh. A few days ago, she woke up from her nap and I heard her on the monitor saying "uh oh, uh oh mama." I was afraid to go upstairs and see what she did, but it was nothing. 
  • She loves to play with dolls. If I say "give dolly a kiss" she will give the doll a kiss. She gives mommy kisses too.
  • Aimee is a great sleeper. She sleeps 12-13 hours overnight and 2-3 hours during the day. She likes her sleep, just like her mommy and daddy. 
  • She loves to watch The Wiggles and dance and clap. She shakes her bum, it's adorable. (See video at the top)
We were playing outside a couple of days ago

This was her 1 year picture that I talked about in the previous post

Fast asleep with a blanket for the first time

At her birthday party last month, trying to eat the bow

We did a cake smash at the end of her birthday. The original plan was to do it outside but it rained so we just did it in the kitchen at my moms house. She mostly just kicked it.

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