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Aimee Elizabeth Bourre was born September 4, 2012 at 1:21pm. She weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. She was born at 29 weeks, 5 days due to pre-eclampsia and placental abruption.

She spent 62 days total in the hospital. 26 days in the NICU at McMaster Hospital and 36 days in the special care nursery in Cambridge Memorial Hospital. She came home on November 5.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday September 24/Tuesday September 25 - Day 21 and 22

I went to visit Aimee yesterday with my mom and sister. When I got there, the nurse came over and was telling me how she was doing. She was up to 1227 grams (2 pounds, 11 ounces). She said that she is still gaining weight fast and over the next few days they may reducer the human milk fortifier (HMF) in her feeds so she doesn't gain so fast. Until the last few days, she wasn't gaining fast enough. Now she is gaining too fast. She was still on 14mL feeds.

The nurse said that they think she has a PDA (Patent ductus arteriosus) and they wanted to do an echo to see if it is bad and whether they need to do anything. She was telling me that it's a heart valve that didn't close before birth and it's common in premature babies. 

We left the NICU for a little while to get something to eat. When we came back, they were doing the echo so we weren't allowed in for half an hour. After they finished, we went back in and visited for a bit longer and I got to change her diaper. 

Today, Mike called and got the results from the echo. She has an asd (atrial septal defect). Right now, they aren't going to do anything about it because it doesn't seem to be affecting her at all. It seems like a fairly common problem from reading about it and it's not hard to fix if they have to do something about it. She is up to 15mL feeds and gained 30 grams. She is 2 pounds, 12 ounces now. It's good to see she gained, but didn't gain too much. One ounce a day would be what she should gain if I was still pregnant so that seems much better.

Aimee is 3 weeks old today. 

Here are some pictures from yesterday.

When I got there yesterday, she was wearing a sleeper. It was a little big on her. 
I love this picture. She has one hand under her head. They changed her into this onesie after her echo because her sleeper got covered in ultrasound gel. It fit her much better than the sleeper did.

She was licking her hand.

The nurse came and put her soother in her mouth and Aimee held onto it with both hands while she was sucking on it.

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