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Aimee Elizabeth Bourre was born September 4, 2012 at 1:21pm. She weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. She was born at 29 weeks, 5 days due to pre-eclampsia and placental abruption.

She spent 62 days total in the hospital. 26 days in the NICU at McMaster Hospital and 36 days in the special care nursery in Cambridge Memorial Hospital. She came home on November 5.

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21 - Day 18

We went to visit Aimee today. When we got there, she had the CPAP off. They were trialing her off of it again. By 4pm, she had a few desats and bradys (low heart rate) and had to be put back on it. She was much calmer on CPAP and just seemed more content. It sucks that she couldn't stay off of it so she won't be transferred to Cambridge yet, but it's better for her to be there. They said after 2 failed attempts being off CPAP, they probably won't try to take her off for another week. Hopefully in that week, she will get bigger and stronger and will be able to stay off next time. The nurse said her lungs just aren't expanding properly yet, even though she can breathe on her own.

They did put a different type of mask on her. Instead of the one that covers her face with the huge tubes, they just put a little tube that looks like the oxygen ones people have. With this one, she doesn't have to have the hat on and it barely covers her face so we can still see her cute little face.

As of September 20, her weight is 1035 grams (about 2 pounds, 4.5 ounces). She was up to 1085 earlier in the week (I think Monday), but the one nurse said it was probably just extra liquids and not actually her gaining weight. They lowered her feeds to 13mL (from 14mL) every 2 hours for a day and her weight went down and that's why she though it was just liquid. She's back up to 14mL feeds every 2 hours.

We spoke to her doctor today. He said they hear a bit of a heart murmur and they are going to do an ECG. They don't seem to think it's a huge deal yet. He said other than that, she has no problems at all. 

Pictures from today....

Off CPAP. The first time we really got to see what she looks like.

 She looks so peaceful sleeping

Daddy's first diaper change

All done

She was crying, Mike was trying to calm her down.

The new CPAP mask

I just thought this one was funny. She was waving her arms and legs around.

She likes to lick her feeding tube

 While I was holding her. 

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